Chabrol Amsterdam Wine Shop Since 1991


🩷”Boost Love” wines🩷 日本語あります🇯🇵

Valentine’s day has passed, but nothing is too late for boosting love mood.
Have lovely wines with your favorite person or send gifts for them with lots of love, even for yourself🫶🫶🫶

Unique dry Pacherenc! Very aromatic, quince, camellia, jasmine, musk, nuts… Rich taste but also having liner acidity and minerality. Gastronomic wine.

Rose wine blended Pinot Noir, Aligote and chardonnay from near Chablis region. Quite dry style with great minerality!

Muscular but laserbeam-precise natural Pinot Noir from Bourgogne Cote Chalonaise. Fruity, juicy but structured on the palate with ripe tannins and amazing acidic drive.

Natural style Gamay. Lovely tart fruit flavors such as cranberry or raspberry. Young and refreshing, enjoy without thinking any complications!

Chabrol Wines
📍Haarlemmerstraat 7 (next to Bistro Neuf🍷)
📍Overtoom 444

#winegift #wineset #winecourse #wijncursus #naturalwine #biowine #wijnwinkel #wijnwinkelamsterdam #wineshopamsterdam #chabrolwines #haarlemmerstraat #overtoom #wijnproeven #winetastingamsterdam #ワインショップ #オランダ生活 #オランダ移住 #オランダ駐在 #アムステルダム生活 #メオカミュゼ #ワインクラス #ワイン勉強中 #ワインセット #ワインギフト
🩷”Boost Love” wines🩷 日本語あります🇯🇵 Valentine’s day has passed, but nothing is too late for boosting love mood. Have lovely wines with your favorite person or send gifts for them with lots of love, even for yourself🫶🫶🫶 みなさん、愛、足りてますか?「LOVE」をテーマにユニークなワインをご紹介します。 🤍L’OVE Unique dry Pacherenc! Very aromatic, quince, camellia, jasmine, musk, nuts… Rich taste but also having liner acidity and minerality. Gastronomic wine. 異国情緒溢れるエキゾチックなアロマが魅力の白ワイン。タイ料理やインド料理と驚くほど合います。 🩷LOVE JOY Rose wine blended Pinot Noir, Aligote and chardonnay from near Chablis region. Quite dry style with great minerality! 見た目はラブリー、味わいはドライな小悪魔ロゼ。ご飯がすごく美味しくなるタイプです! ❤️ORGAniSME CULTE Muscular but laserbeam-precise natural Pinot Noir from Bourgogne Cote Chalonaise. Fruity, juicy but structured on the palate with ripe tannins and amazing acidic drive. 自然派ですが味わいが極めて正確なピノ・ノワール。醤油味や海苔の風味と相性がとても良いです。 ❤️PLAN CUVE Natural style Gamay. Lovely tart fruit flavors such as cranberry or raspberry. Young and refreshing, enjoy without thinking any complications! 甘酸っぱいフルーツが口いっぱいに広がるナチュラルスタイルのガメイ。タコヤキやタコスなど、楽しいパーティー向きです。 ———————- Chabrol Wines 📍Haarlemmerstraat 7 (next to Bistro Neuf🍷) 📍Overtoom 444 💻 ———————- #winegift #wineset #winecourse #wijncursus #naturalwine #biowine #wijnwinkel #wijnwinkelamsterdam #wineshopamsterdam #chabrolwines #haarlemmerstraat #overtoom #wijnproeven #winetastingamsterdam #ワインショップ #オランダ生活 #オランダ移住 #オランダ駐在 #アムステルダム生活 #メオカミュゼ #ワインクラス #ワイン勉強中 #ワインセット #ワインギフト
日本語あります🇯🇵 One of the best seller orange wine is finally back! And.. we got a new product from the same producer, Cap de Nit 🇪🇸

Partly skin contact, aged for 6months clay amphora and stainless steel tank.
Bursting Yuzu citrus flavor! Refreshing aromas of yuzu, orange peel, grapefruit, or orange blossom. Crispy and comfortable light orange wine with slightly bitter after taste.

New🌟Blanc "T3"
6months of skin contact, aged for 10months in clay amphora.
Plenty of white tea aroma pops up. Flavor of kombucha, orange peel, dry flowers, iodine, yeast… Light yet very savory and umami explosion!

Chabrol Wines
📍Haarlemmerstraat 7 (next to Bistro Neuf🍷)
📍Overtoom 444

#orangewine #organicwine #naturalwine #biowine #wijnwinkel #wijnwinkelamsterdam #wineshopamsterdam #chabrolwines #haarlemmerstraat #overtoom #wijnproeven #winetastingamsterdam #ワインショップ #オランダ生活 #オランダ移住 #オランダ駐在 #アムステルダム生活
日本語あります🇯🇵 One of the best seller orange wine is finally back! And.. we got a new product from the same producer, Cap de Nit 🇪🇸 Restock⭐️Blanc Partly skin contact, aged for 6months clay amphora and stainless steel tank. Bursting Yuzu citrus flavor! Refreshing aromas of yuzu, orange peel, grapefruit, or orange blossom. Crispy and comfortable light orange wine with slightly bitter after taste. 柚子の風味が炸裂するオレンジワイン。とっても爽やかで自然な果実の甘みとほろ苦さがとても心地よい味わい。アジの塩焼きや筍の料理と相性抜群だと思います🌸オランダって筍売ってるのでしょうか。。 New🌟Blanc "T3" 6months of skin contact, aged for 10months in clay amphora. Plenty of white tea aroma pops up. Flavor of kombucha, orange peel, dry flowers, iodine, yeast… Light yet very savory and umami explosion! 香り高いホワイトティーや白檀、コンブチャ、イースト、、、フルーティーというよりも、旨味がぎゅっと詰まった印象が強いです。発酵食品全般と相性が良いです、キムチやナンプラーなどを使ったアジアンな料理と合わせてみてください😉ウニのパスタも良いかも! ———————- Chabrol Wines 📍Haarlemmerstraat 7 (next to Bistro Neuf🍷) 📍Overtoom 444 💻 ———————- #orangewine #organicwine #naturalwine #biowine #wijnwinkel #wijnwinkelamsterdam #wineshopamsterdam #chabrolwines #haarlemmerstraat #overtoom #wijnproeven #winetastingamsterdam #ワインショップ #オランダ生活 #オランダ移住 #オランダ駐在 #アムステルダム生活